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Oblong Shelf

Oblong Shelf

Oblong is created to be a walkway that cats could walk, rest, and see from the top. It also adds the vertical view for spaces, so space would seem wider and larger.With a transparent board, oblong allows you to see their cute paws and faces from the earth.

Available in 2 sizes - 60cm and 90cm

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Customer Reviews
We are excited to launch MyZoo into Singapore! Take advantage of our launch promo! All items come with free shipping!

Cats love to climb up high on cabinets or windows, where they get themselves dirty and dusty.
But putting a cat tree would makes the spaces seem a lot smaller because it seizes huge spaces from the room.
A floating cat shelf would be a great idea to solve both problems.

OVAL SHAPED: Oblong is created to be a walkway that cats could walk, rest, and see from the top. It also adds the vertical view for spaces, so space would seem wider and larger.

CLEAR&FLOATING: Like a pleasure cloud in the air, Oblong Transparent Cat Walkway allows your cat to rest up high in the air effortlessly.
With a transparent board, the oblong not just allows you to see their cute paws and faces from the earth; moreover, it won’t giving you a tight feeling when you sit under the shelf.

LARGE&COMFY: Oblong has two sizes, either one could suit your cats perfectly, so cats wouldn’t settle for less.
we are able to coordinate the size with our home. For the depth, it’s big enough for large size cat to perch and for two cats crossing each other yet with no bulky feeling.

CLASSY STYLE: Like the lack series, there are no brackets on Oblong.
To make it looks simple and stylish, the Oblong has been upgraded to hide the screws by adding an extra wooden board, so it is safe for our cats and pretty as furniture!

M: Length23.6in x Depth7.8in x Height3.5in
L: Length35.4in x Depth7.8in x Height3.5in
Product weight: M:3.3lbs L:4.4lbs
Max load: 33lbs
Material: Pine,Acrlic
Usage: Cat-Friendly Furniture, Wall Mounted Cat shelves, Cat Wall, Cat Tree, Cat step
Suitable: Kitten, Large size cat, Normal size cat
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  • In-store Pickup
  • Local Delivery (Singapore)

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  • Credit Card
  • Bank Transfer
  • Paynow
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